Esta semana ha sucedido una de esas cosas que molan y dan cierto caché al blog. Una asistente de una Europarlamentaria española me ha reenviado un mail con la información y la carta que han enviado varios eurodiputados, encabezados por el escocés Alyn Smith, a Gianni Infantino, presidente de la FIFA para revisar la situación de los equipos de los territorios palestinos que han sido anexionados por Israel, y lo compara con la situación que se vivió con Rusia y la Peninsula de Crimea. Os adjunto la carta, y el texto del mail:
To: MEPs who supported the recent letter to FIFA on football clubs in Israeli settlements, led by MEP Alyn Smith
Dear all
I wanted to briefly update you on latest developments since you signed the letter to FIFA on football clubs in Israel’s illegal settlements.
Yesterday, the Human Rights Watch issued a report on the very same issue: The report has been covered by the New York Times, Guardian, Times of Israel, Newsweek, AFP, AP, Reuters, NRC Handelsblad, De Morgen, Deutschlandfunk, EFE and elsewhere, often referring back to the MEP letter.
The HRW report validates the MEP letter and underlines the importance of the issue from the human rights perspective. FIFA is now under increasing pressure to stop recognising the settlement clubs, which are violating its own rules and turning football into a political tool of territorial expansion.
In 2014, FIFA’s European branch UEFA banned the Crimean football clubs from the Russian league after Russia annexed the peninsula and integrated the clubs into its league.
The HRW report comes on the backdrop of intense developments inside FIFA, with Israeli representatives trying to postpone the issue and avoid any decision on the settlement clubs at the FIFA Council meeting on 13-14 October.
At the FIFA Council meeting, there will be representatives of the following EU-based football associations: Slovenia (the new UEFA President), England, Spain, Cyprus, Belgium and Italy – as can be seen here – in addition to FIFA President Infantino himself. It may be a good idea to bring your letter to their attention.
Below is an updated map of the settlement clubs reflecting HRW’s findings, prepared by the European Middle East Project (EuMEP). For further information, please feel free to get in contact.
Best regards,
Martin Konečný
European Middle East Project (EuMEP)
T: +32 2 318 5380 | M: +32 484 601 283
Skype: martin1407
EuMEP is a small, independent and highly flexible NGO that promotes a just and effective EU policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on the respect for international law and equal human dignity for all.
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